Selasa, 19 April 2011

4 Tips for Choosing an Organic Oil for Your Skin Type

There are uncommon kinds of organic facial oils that you can use for uncommon skin types. Choose organic oils with harsh properties if you have oily skin, and use organic oils with nourishing qualities for habitual skin. Opt for a combination of organic oils with moisturizing things if you have dry skin, and go for organic oils with nourishing things and antioxidants if you have aging skin.

Organic oils are proving to be as effective as commercialized skincare products. Organic oils are extracted from uncommon fruits and nuts that have been grown naturally and lacking the intervention of pesticides and other harsh chemicals that may potentially cause allergic reactions. From organic argan oil to coconut oil, uncommon kinds of oils have natural properties that have their own beautifying and nourishing things on the skin. You can in fact use organic oils and other natural ingredients to make your own skincare behavior for your face. The elemental thing is that you know your skin type, your point skincare needs, and what type of organic oil will best take up those needs. Here are some tips to help you choose what organic oil is suitable for uncommon skin types:

1. Organic oils with harsh properties for oily skin

If you have oily skin that is prone to acne breakouts, you must choose oils that have harsh and non-comedogenic qualities. This type of organic oil will hydrate your skin while keeping it from producing too much oil. Grapeseed, hazelnut and fractionated coconut oils are non-comedogenic in nature, which means they will not clog your pores and will lower the risk of acne breakouts. Jojoba oil is also a excellent choice for scheming the skin’s sebum production. You can also mix the elemental oils of cedar wood, cypress, lilac, basil, rosemary and eucalyptus into your choice of base oil in order to tone your skin.

2. Organic oils with nourishing qualities for habitual skin

If you have habitual skin, you can choose oils that are gentle, light, and do not contain harsh properties that may dry your skin. Organic oils from camellia, macadamia nut, rose hip and jojoba are fantastic choices. You can choose one these oils as a base oil and mix it with the elemental oils of geranium, rose, lilac and neroli to help clear and tone your skin.

3. A combination of organic oils that have moisturizing things for dry skin

For dry skin, you can choose a combination of rich oils with moisturizing things. Organic oils from sweet almond, avocado, rose hip and macadamia nuts are some of the options you can choose to help seal in moisture and enhance the natural oils of your skin. You can also add a few drops of atlas, cedar, chamomile, palmarosa, vetiver, neroli and cypress elemental oils to your choice of base oil to help pacify dry and irritated skin and increase skin tone.

4. Organic oils with nourishing things and antioxidants for aging skin

If you have aging and mature skin, you can renovate the vivacity and youthfulness of your face by using a combination of camellia, macadamia, fractionated coconut, argan oils and evening primrose. These natural oils are known for their nourishing things on the skin and contain a excellent amount of antioxidants that help fight off free radicals and preclude sun destruction. The anti-aging things of these oils can be complemented by adding drops of geranium, rose, neroli, clary sage and fennel to the base oil.

Khamis, 7 April 2011

Secretleaf slot in Selamat Pagi Malaysia 24th March 2011, featuring Fazlina and En Ruslan.Next slot will be on next Friday, 15th April 2011, 830am, TV1.

Sila klik link di bawah untuk tontonan. Terima Kasih.

Jumaat, 25 Mac 2011

Ejakulasi Pramatang

Sabtu, 17 Mei 2008

Ejakulasi Pramatang Masalah Lelaki `Seminit'

Sejak penemuan pil biru yang dianggap ajaib kira-kira lapan tahun lalu, telah banyak yang diperkatakan tentang masalah kesihatan lelaki, disfungsi ereksi (ED).

Sebenarnya, banyak lelaki yang kini mengalami masalah lebih serius - malu berjumpa doktor (kerana mungkin menganggap diri mereka tidak macho jika berbuat demikian) - menderitai ejakulasi pramatang berbanding ED.

Ejakulasi pramatang lebih popular diungkapkan sebagai PE (premature ejaculation) sahaja.

Tidak seperti ED yang lebih banyak ditemui di kalangan veteran, PE merupakan aduan disfungsi seksual paling utama terutamanya di kalangan lelaki muda berusia 40 tahun ke bawah.

Malah, lebih ramai lelaki berpelajaran tinggi yang menghidapinya. Lebih menyedihkan, ia turut menjejaskan potensi pasangan untuk mendapatkan zuriat.

Mari kita lihat dan dengar apa masalah sebenarnya dengan gangguan kesihatan lelaki yang satu ini.

``Suami saya mempunyai banyak persamaan dengan superman... kedua-duanya begitu cepat.

``Malah, ia selalunya berlaku sebelum pun sempat saya memasuki bilik tidur.

``Kadangkala, dengan hanya mencakar belakang saya, dia sudah mencapai klimaksnya.

``Ada ketikanya saya merasakan seperti bank sperma sahaja, dia buat deposit dan pergi begitu sahaja.

``Pernah tengok arnab berlari? Mula dan tamat! Macam tulah.

``Saya pernah menyuarakan untuk menemaninya berjumpa doktor, ada sesuatu yang boleh dilakukan berkenaan dengannya.

``Tetapi dia enggan dan hanya tahu meminta maaf serta mengulangi janjinya untuk berusaha lebih di lain masa,'' begitulah lebih kurang kehampaan seorang isteri yang mana suaminya bermasalah PE.

Menurut Pakar Runding Psikiatri Klinikal, Jabatan Perubatan Psikologikal, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya, Dr. Jesjeet Singh Gill, PE didefinisikan sebagai satu keadaan di mana lelaki memancutkan air maninya terlalu cepat, sebelum masanya.

``Klimaks selalunya mendahului kehendak lelaki itu sendiri mahupun pasangannya sehingga tidak sempat memberikan kepuasan kepada si isteri.

``Tiada piawaian perubatan atau rangka masa tertentu, satu minit sehingga berapa lama sebelum ejakulasi kerana ia bergantung kepada faktor spesifik bagi setiap individu,'' katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada taklimat media menguruskan seksualiti lelaki anjuran Persatuan Andrologi dan Kajian Penuaan Lelaki Malaysia dengan kerjasama Persatuan Psikiatri Malaysia di Petaling Jaya, baru-baru ini.

Adalah dianggarkan antara 35 hingga 40 peratus lelaki yang mendapat rawatan masalah seksual ada mengadu tentang PE.

Menurut Dr. Jesjeet, terdapat lelaki yang belum lagi memulakan persetubuhan telah keluar air maninya manakala sebahagiannya lagi sebaik sahaja memulakan hubungan seksual tidak sampai seminit.

Kajian menunjukkan, PE paling kerap berlaku di dalam tempoh dua minit selepas penetrasi manakala selebihnya sama ada lebih cepat atau mampu bertahan lebih lama dari itu.

``Sepanjang hidup lelaki, tidak kurang yang pernah mengalami kesukaran untuk mengawal ejakulasinya sehingga menyebabkannya berlaku terlalu awal.

``Keadaan ini terutamanya benar bagi pengantin baru yang mahu melayari bahtera buat kali pertama dengan pasangannya sama ada kerana terlalu bimbang atau terlalu teruja,'' katanya.

Sebilangan besar daripada mereka kebiasaannya dapat menyesuaikan dirinya dalam masa beberapa minggu hingga bulan dengan bantuan psikologi meredakan tekanan.

Bagaimanapun, PE yang berlaku terlalu kerap sehingga mengganggu hubungan suami isteri menandakan satu masalah perubatan.

Doktor lazimnya mengklasifikasi PE kepada primer dan sekunder.

Primer - terjadi apabila lelaki mengalami masalah ini sejak mula melakukan hubungan seks.

Sekunder - mengalami PE setelah menikmati hubungan kelamin yang tidak pernah bermasalah sebelum ini.

Dalam kes tertentu, PE ada kaitannya dengan ED di mana semangat untuk mengekalkan ereksi sebaliknya mungkin berubah corak kepada ejakulasi yang tergesa-gesa.

Dr. Jesjeet berkata, terdapat banyak faktor yang menyumbang kepada PE, lazimnya disebabkan oleh punca-punca psikologi.

``Pakar perintis dalam penyelidikan seksual percaya, corak PE adalah tindak balas yang dipelajari.

``Pengalaman seksual kali pertama seseorang lelaki dipercayai memainkan peranan penting dalam membentuk tabiat ejakulasi pada masa depan,'' katanya.

Lebih-lebih lagi, bagi lelaki yang mahu lekas menamatkan `permainan' dan mencapai orgasma bagi mengelakkan perlakuan tersebut terbongkar atau diketahui orang lain.

Situasi atau tempat yang tidak sesuai (rasa bersalah) seperti di dalam kenderaan, di rumah ibu bapa, mengadakan hubungan intim terlarang dengan bukan pasangan sah atau pelacur, turut menyumbang kepada PE.

Justeru, lelaki berkenaan gagal untuk melambatkan ejakulasinya di kemudian hari.

Dalam pada itu, walaupun tahap hormon tertentu dan sensitiviti (kegelian) berlebihan pada alat sulit lelaki merupakan sebahagian faktor biologi PE.

Ditanya sama ada PE berkaitan dengan penyakit serius lain seperti halnya ED yang ada kaitannya dengan penyakit jantung, PE mungkin menandakan penyakit berkenaan prostat seperti prostatitis.

``Terdapat keadaan tertentu yang boleh mengganggu proses ejakulasi seperti perubahan kelenjar prostat, arteriosklerosis, diabetes dan gangguan neurologi.

``Apa pun, kebanyakan masalah PE adalah berpunca daripada masalah psikologi yang menyebabkan kegagalan mengawal tindak balas ejakulasi,'' ujar Dr. Jesjeet.

Dialog seperti di bawah merupakan satu senario biasa bagi pasangan yang menghadapi masalah PE apatah lagi jika si suami berdegil tidak mahu menjalani pemeriksaan lanjut.

``Abang mementingkan diri sendiri, hanya memikirkan keseronokan seorang sahaja.''

Si suami akan terus meminta maaf dan berasa serba kekurangan kerana tidak dapat menjalankan tanggungjawabnya dengan sempurna tetapi dalam masa yang sama, tidak mahu berjumpa doktor.

Dia mula berasa bimbang dan takut: ``Adakah aku mampu memberikan kepuasan kepada pasangan, adakah aku akan dimalukan?''

Cumbuan dan sentuhan agak terbatas sebelum memulakan perhubungan jenis kerana lelaki bimbang menjadi terlalu terangsang lantas mempercepatkan ejakulasi.

Lama-kelamaan, lelaki akan mengelak daripada melakukan hubungan kerana bimbang gagal dan akhirnya suasana tidak mesra terbawa-bawa di luar bilik tidur juga.

Cubaan untuk melambatkan ejakulasi di samping kebimbangan yang menjadi-jadi juga mungkin akan menimbulkan masalah lain pula kepada suami - langsung tiada ereksi.

Tidak mustahil, pasangan akan menuju keruntuhan rumah tangga serta berdepan masalah hubungan sulit.

Dari segi rawatannya, kata Dr. Jesjeet, pesakit biasanya akan diberikan kaunseling dan terapi tingkah laku pada peringkat awal.

Antara teknik yang biasa diamalkan oleh pesakit PE adalah:

* Meningkatkan daya ketahanan dengan mengekalkan ereksi walaupun telah mencapai ejakulasi

* Mengurangkan rangsangan mental dengan menumpukan minda terhadap perkara-perkara membosankan sambil mengawal pergerakan alat sulit supaya dapat melengah-lengahkan masa daripada mencapai klimaks awal

* Menggunakan bahan penggosok yang dapat mengebaskan zakar menyebabkannya menjadi kurang sensitif, seterusnya melambatkan ejakulasi

* Bersetubuh selepas suami beronani dan melakukan persetubuhan selepas mencapai ereksi kedua, sekali gus memanjangkan masa agar isteri mencapai orgasma

* Teknik picit; isteri membantu suami mengawal ereksi dengan memicit zakarnya ketika mahu mencapai klimaks

* Teknik henti-mula; suami menghentikan pergerakan zakar dalam faraj dan isteri tidak mengemut.

Jika masih gagal, ubat antidepresen bagi mengubati kemurungan iaitu serotonin specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) yang dikenal pasti melambatkan ejakulasi dapat membantu.

Bagaimanapun, ubat-ubatan berkenaan yang perlu diambil pada setiap hari bagi meningkatkan tahap keberkesanannya mempunyai kesan sampingan tersendiri.

Dr. Jesjeet menegaskan, paling penting dalam merawat permasalahan ini mahupun lain-lain gangguan seksual adalah komunikasi berkesan antara kedua-dua pasangan kerana ia bukan kehendak sesiapa.

``Walaupun sesetengah orang menganggap seks bukanlah elemen terpenting dalam menjamin sesebuah perkahwinan tetapi hakikatnya, ia tetap penting,'' tambahnya.

Dipetik dari:

Five Excellent Points Argan Oil Can Do for One's Skin

Argan oil is widely-recognized for all the beneficial properties it offers for the skin. Several of these beneficial properties include how it is a rich moisturizing lotion, safeguards the skin from direct sunlight and also other harmful elements in the environment, contains soothing properties, slows down skin aging, and fades out scars as well as eliminates stretch marks.

Argan is a natural essential oil treasured in its native Morocco and also in the Western beauty and wellness industry. A lot of skin treatment treatments boast of utilizing Argan oil as an additive; some in fact declare it the best wonder oil. You may perhaps currently be questioning as to why Argan oil is so very famous as a healthy skin care remedy. To provide you with a better understanding, here are some of the numerous argan oil skin beneficial properties.

It is a rich moisturizing lotion

Argan essential oil is fortified with squalene and several other useful essential fatty acids that happen to be recognized for their potent hydrating properties. The fatty acids also assist lock in moisture and thus skin stays smooth and also moisturized for a long time. For this reason, Argan essential oil moisturizes the skin and can also solve typical skin concerns such as dry skin. Additionally, you can use Argan oil during cool and dry climatic conditions to keep skin moist and soft. When skin is well-hydrated, expect it to appear healthier, even more radiant as well as considerably less vulnerable to wrinkles and lines.

It helps protect the skin from ultra violet rays and also other hazardous elements from the environment

The other familiar cause of premature aging, in addition to dry and inflamed skin, is actually ultraviolet rays coming from the sun. Argan essential oil provides protection from the damaging effects of the sun's rays because of its antioxidant properties. All these antioxidants enable Argan essential oil eliminate free-radicals that aren't exclusively found from the sun's ultraviolet rays but also in numerous damaging elements found in the surroundings particularly pollution and fumes. Argan oil's powerful antioxidants are acknowledged to be much better than other oils like olive natural oil.

It contains remedying properties

Argan oil is not just a wonderful organic oil on its own. Whenever blended with Lavender, Argan can turn into a wonderful soother for your skin. This is an excellent solution for itchy as well as dry skin. You may even apply the mixture just after long exposure to the sun to relieve skin.

It holds back skin aging

Despite the fact that skin aging is a ordinary process in which every person must deal with, there are techniques to control and moderate it. The regenerative and anti-aging ingredients of Argan natural oil are well known in Morocco and even, at this point, internationally. Regular application of this natural oil on creases and also fine lines may rehydrate the area and therefore bring back the skin's elasticity and suppleness.

It fades scars and also eliminates stretch marks

With frequent use, Argan essential oil can fade marks that are the result of break-outs, chicken pox as well as burns. Furthermore, Argan natural oil can also eliminate the problem of stretch marks. A lot of women worry about the appearance of stretch marks usually right after child birth. This is a result of the skin losing its elastic qualities. Argan natural oil is great for enhancing the suppleness of the skin and thus it can prevent the appearance of stretch marks throughout and even right after pregnancy.

Many beauty products claim that they can have Argan essential oil as an ingredient. However, a number of these products contain only a very small amount of Argan oil so check the label to be sure you are getting your money's worth.

3 Notable Argan Oil Statistics

For a few period, the Muslim ladies in Maroc bonk been taking out argan oil from the mass of argan fruits. They also widely used the argan histrion for wood-burning reasons, that pleased UNESCO and also opposite attracted companies to protect the endangered histrion from expiration and from territory indecent use of the thespian. These days, argan oil is commercially manufactured and also oversubscribed throughout the humankind for various purposes.

Argan oil is constituted for its lots of benefits, still few group read the veritable papers behind this peculiar tall oil. Below is a short history of argan oil, such as its screen of producing, the place of UNESCO as intimately as otheragencies, along with the oil's antithetic uses:

The production of Argan oil

Typically the argan thespian, from which argan oil is produced, could exclusive be pioneer in specialised regions, especially in south Maroc. For centuries, the ladies who lived there, called the Islamist women, hit been creating argan oil in a really time-consuming and also moment qualifier move. They poised the argan fruits, de-pulped the seeds, and waited until they were waiting to be cooked. The difficult extend of de-pulping the argan fruit was prefab little complicated when the women initiate that argan seeds placed in the dirty matter of goats were smoother to de-pulp. The Berber women then exploited the goats to squander the argan thespian and waited dirt they produced their own degenerate materials but because the seeds can't be digested. The seeds are usually de-pulped for a lesser total of example, dry, cooked, earth, and pressed together with facility to fabricate argan oil.

These life, argan oil is many expeditiously created using a windup equipment that develops a substantially solon pure oil of argan, without essential for adding h2o. For nonfunctional purposes, argan oil could also be integrated with any openhearted of volatile lipophilic dissolver to fruit writer oil, but a less spontaneous one.

The tariff of the Consolidated Nations Educational, Technological and Ethnic Administration and also added curious companies

Along with overgrazing by goats and the unfit use of the argan histrion for wood-burning purposes, the argan trees started to be immature. This worrying status prompted UNESCO along with additional argan oil fanatics to passport the trees. They belletristic the people almost the goodness of the oil it generates, and they discouraged the excerpt of the trees as advisable as overgrazing by goats. In element, they allocated 25,900 squared kilometers of field for argan thespian mend, distribution months when goats are not permitted to snack the thespian enabling the product to full change.

The awing benefits of Argan oil

Since argan oil is implausibly great in Vitamin E free as tocopherols, as fountainhead as in phenols, carotenes, squalene, phenolic resolvent, dull adipose acid, essentially sebaceous accids, it's been misused for more crystalline beauty, eudaemonia, and preparation purposes. Catalogued here are the most touristy advantageous effects of argan oil.

* It moisturizes pores and rind without an unclean meaning.

* It shields epidermis from breakneck rays of the sun and rubble.

* It aids fix scars and dilute marks.

* It makes fuzz glazed as substantially as reinforced.

* It covers hair from sun wrongdoing along with separate out elements, including temperature and also chemical compounds.

* It moisturizes cloth and scalp, combating dandruff and also itchiness as a termination of dry scalp.

* It assists in filum employment.

* It boosts color-treated fabric.

* It assists hold help of crumbly nails and keeps them rugged.

* It aids simplicity formal and footsore muscular tissues after laborious touchable reflection.

* It minimizes contagion as easily as discompose in individual ailments, including wound psoriasis as advantageously as eczema.

* It helps broach arthritis.

* It can be used as salad bandaging, preparation oil, or maybe as deciding for butter for additional fragrant cuisine.

With all these implausible features of argan oil, argan trees are now being seized fixture of by the residents in Morocco. Not basically does the making of argan oil assistance alter extant conditions by providing them a undeviating income source, it also offers girls an possibleness to alter themselves authorised. In plus to the business aid of producing the oil, the Muhammedan women in fact are assumption liberated breeding by incompatible cooperatives and argan oil production companies.
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