Selasa, 19 April 2011

4 Tips for Choosing an Organic Oil for Your Skin Type

There are uncommon kinds of organic facial oils that you can use for uncommon skin types. Choose organic oils with harsh properties if you have oily skin, and use organic oils with nourishing qualities for habitual skin. Opt for a combination of organic oils with moisturizing things if you have dry skin, and go for organic oils with nourishing things and antioxidants if you have aging skin.

Organic oils are proving to be as effective as commercialized skincare products. Organic oils are extracted from uncommon fruits and nuts that have been grown naturally and lacking the intervention of pesticides and other harsh chemicals that may potentially cause allergic reactions. From organic argan oil to coconut oil, uncommon kinds of oils have natural properties that have their own beautifying and nourishing things on the skin. You can in fact use organic oils and other natural ingredients to make your own skincare behavior for your face. The elemental thing is that you know your skin type, your point skincare needs, and what type of organic oil will best take up those needs. Here are some tips to help you choose what organic oil is suitable for uncommon skin types:

1. Organic oils with harsh properties for oily skin

If you have oily skin that is prone to acne breakouts, you must choose oils that have harsh and non-comedogenic qualities. This type of organic oil will hydrate your skin while keeping it from producing too much oil. Grapeseed, hazelnut and fractionated coconut oils are non-comedogenic in nature, which means they will not clog your pores and will lower the risk of acne breakouts. Jojoba oil is also a excellent choice for scheming the skin’s sebum production. You can also mix the elemental oils of cedar wood, cypress, lilac, basil, rosemary and eucalyptus into your choice of base oil in order to tone your skin.

2. Organic oils with nourishing qualities for habitual skin

If you have habitual skin, you can choose oils that are gentle, light, and do not contain harsh properties that may dry your skin. Organic oils from camellia, macadamia nut, rose hip and jojoba are fantastic choices. You can choose one these oils as a base oil and mix it with the elemental oils of geranium, rose, lilac and neroli to help clear and tone your skin.

3. A combination of organic oils that have moisturizing things for dry skin

For dry skin, you can choose a combination of rich oils with moisturizing things. Organic oils from sweet almond, avocado, rose hip and macadamia nuts are some of the options you can choose to help seal in moisture and enhance the natural oils of your skin. You can also add a few drops of atlas, cedar, chamomile, palmarosa, vetiver, neroli and cypress elemental oils to your choice of base oil to help pacify dry and irritated skin and increase skin tone.

4. Organic oils with nourishing things and antioxidants for aging skin

If you have aging and mature skin, you can renovate the vivacity and youthfulness of your face by using a combination of camellia, macadamia, fractionated coconut, argan oils and evening primrose. These natural oils are known for their nourishing things on the skin and contain a excellent amount of antioxidants that help fight off free radicals and preclude sun destruction. The anti-aging things of these oils can be complemented by adding drops of geranium, rose, neroli, clary sage and fennel to the base oil.

Khamis, 7 April 2011

Secretleaf slot in Selamat Pagi Malaysia 24th March 2011, featuring Fazlina and En Ruslan.Next slot will be on next Friday, 15th April 2011, 830am, TV1.

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